/*$Id$*/ 'use strict'; // No I18N var cart = (function() { var ZS_EVENT_CUSTOM_FIELD_VALIDATION_ERROR = "zs-event-custom-field-validation-error"; // No I18N /* Pixel event constants */ var PIXEL_TRACK_EVENT = 'track'; //No I18N var PIXEL_ADD_TO_CART_EVENT = 'AddToCart'; //No I18N var PIXEL_PURCHASE_EVENT = 'Purchase'; //No I18N var PIXEL_SEARCH_EVENT = 'Search'; //No I18N var PIXEL_CHECKOUT_EVENT = 'InitiateCheckout'; //No I18N var PIXEL_VIEW_CONTENT_EVENT = 'ViewContent'; //No I18N /* Pixel local storage constants */ var PIXEL_STORAGE_CONST = "fbpxl" //No I18N var PIXEL_PURCHASE_PREFIX = 'fbpxl_purchase_'; //No I18N var PIXEL_CHECKOUT_PREFIX = 'fbpxl_checkout_'; //No I18N /* Pixel payload constants */ var PIXEL_SEARCH_PAYLOAD = 'search_string'; //No I18N var PIXEL_CURRENCY_PAYLOAD = 'currency'; //No I18N var PIXEL_VALUE_PAYLOAD = 'value'; //No I18N var PIXEL_CONTENT_ID_PAYLOAD = 'content_ids'; //No I18N var PIXEL_CONTENT_TYPE_PAYLOAD = 'content_type'; //No I18N var PIXEL_CONTENT_TYPE_PAYLOAD_VALUE = 'product'; //No I18N var PIXEL_CONTENT_TYPE_PAYLOAD_GROUP = 'product_group'; //No I18N /* Mobile App Interface constants */ var CART_COUNT = 'cart_count'; //No I18N var HOST_NAME = 'host_name'; //No I18N /* Delivery Availability Popup local storage constants */ var DELIVERY_AVAILABILITY_POPUP_POSTAL_CODE = "delivery_postal_code"; //No I18N var _getCartDetails = function() { _getCartCount(function (cartCount) { updateCartSpanElement(cartCount); }); } function getUrlVars() { var vars = {}; var parts = window.location.href.replace(/[?&]+([^=&]+)=([^&]*)/gi, function(m,key,value) { vars[key] = value; }); return vars; } function getUrlParam(parameter, defaultvalue){ var urlparameter = defaultvalue; if(window.location.href.indexOf(parameter) > -1){ urlparameter = getUrlVars()[parameter]; } return urlparameter; } function sendCartCountToMobileApp(cartCount){ if (window.webkit && window.webkit.messageHandlers && window.webkit.messageHandlers.cartCountController) { window.webkit.messageHandlers.cartCountController.postMessage({HOST_NAME:window.location.hostname,CART_COUNT:cartCount}) }else if (window.CartCountInterface != undefined ) { window.CartCountInterface.setCartCount(window.location.hostname,cartCount); } } var _getCartCount = function(handler) { var checkout_id = getUrlParam("cart_id", "");// No I18N var queryString = ""; if(checkout_id != ""){ queryString = "?cart_id="+checkout_id;// No I18N } $X.get({ url: '/storefront/api/v1/cart'+queryString, // No I18N args: { handler: handler }, handler: function(args) { var res = JSON.parse(this.responseText); var cartCount = 0; var cartInfo = (res.payload) ? res.payload : res.cart_details; if(isAnalyticsEnabled() || isPixelEnabled()) { setCartInfoInWindowObj(cartInfo); } // new cart if(cartInfo.items){ cartCount = cartInfo.items.length; } args.handler(cartCount); _deployCartCountEvent(cartCount); sendCartCountToMobileApp(cartCount); } }); } var _deployCartCountEvent = function(cartCount) { var cartCountEvent = new CustomEvent("zp-event-cart-count", { // No I18N detail: { cart_count: cartCount, view: window.zs_view || "store_page" // No I18N } }); document.dispatchEvent(cartCountEvent); } function getTargetContainer(element) { var targetContainer = (element) ? element.closest("[data-zs-product-id]") : ""; // No I18N return targetContainer; } function bulkAddProductToCart(params) { $X.post({ url: '/store-user/api/v1/cart/bulkAddProductToCart', // No I18N bodyJSON: params, headers: zsUtils.getCSRFHeader(), handler: function() { var res = JSON.parse(this.responseText); if(res.cart_details && res.cart_details.items) { var cartInfo = res.cart_details; updateCartSpanElement(cartInfo.items.length); _deployCartCountEvent(cartInfo.items.length); /* * addToCartSuccessEvent */ } /* * else { * addToCartFailureEvent * } */ } }); } var _addProductToCart = function() { if(!isCookieEnabled()) { return; } var addToCartButton = this; var productVariantId = this.getAttribute('data-zs-product-variant-id'); // No I18N var targetContainer = getTargetContainer(this); var productId = (targetContainer && targetContainer!="") ? targetContainer.getAttribute("data-zs-product-id") : ""; // No I18N var quantityElement; if(targetContainer == this) { // custom template [old] quantityElement = document.querySelector("[data-zs-quantity][data-zs-product-id='" + productId + "']"); // No I18N } else if(targetContainer && targetContainer!="") { // new template quantityElement = targetContainer.querySelector("[data-zs-quantity]"); // No I18N } var quantity = 1; if(quantityElement) { quantity = quantityElement.value; } if(productVariantId === "") { var addToCartWithInvalidVariant = new CustomEvent("zp-event-add-to-cart-invalid-variant", { // No I18N detail: { target: addToCartButton, productId: productId, view: window.zs_view || "store_page" // No I18N } }); document.dispatchEvent(addToCartWithInvalidVariant); return; } if(!_testQuantity(quantityElement, targetContainer)) { return; } var variantCustomFields = custom_field.getCartCustomFields(productVariantId); if(variantCustomFields.errors.length > 0) { _dispatch(ZS_EVENT_CUSTOM_FIELD_VALIDATION_ERROR, { 'custom_fields' : variantCustomFields.custom_field_list, //NO I18N 'error_custom_fields' : variantCustomFields.errors //NO I18N }); return; } else { //for clear custom fields error message _dispatch(ZS_EVENT_CUSTOM_FIELD_VALIDATION_ERROR, { 'custom_fields' : variantCustomFields.custom_field_list //NO I18N }); } var addToCartLoadingEvent = new CustomEvent("zp-event-add-to-cart-loading", { // No I18N detail: { target: addToCartButton, productId: productId, productVariantId: productVariantId, view: window.zs_view || "store_page" // No I18N } }); document.dispatchEvent(addToCartLoadingEvent); $E.unbind(addToCartButton, "click", _addProductToCart); // No I18N /* * 1 - True * 2 - False * Changing checkbox field value from integer to boolean */ var custom_fields_values = variantCustomFields.custom_fields_value; for(var counter = 0; counter < custom_fields_values.length; counter++) { var custom_fields_value = custom_fields_values[counter]; if(custom_fields_value.data_type && custom_fields_value.data_type == "check_box") { custom_fields_value.value = (custom_fields_value.value == 1); } } var params = { product_variant_id: productVariantId, quantity : quantity, custom_fields : custom_fields_values }; if(document.querySelector("[data-zs-delivery-postalcode]") && localStorage.getItem(DELIVERY_AVAILABILITY_POPUP_POSTAL_CODE) != ""){ params.postal_code = localStorage.getItem(DELIVERY_AVAILABILITY_POPUP_POSTAL_CODE); } var cart_id = getUrlParam("cart_id", "");// No I18N if(cart_id != ""){ params.cart_id = cart_id; } $X.post({ url: '/storefront/api/v1/cart', // No I18N bodyJSON: params, headers: zsUtils.getCSRFHeader(), args: { button: addToCartButton }, handler: function(args) { var res = JSON.parse(this.responseText); if ((res.payload && res.payload.items) || (res.cart_details && res.cart_details.items) ) { var cartInfo = (res.payload) ? res.payload : res.cart_details; updateCartSpanElement(cartInfo.items.length); _deployCartCountEvent(cartInfo.items.length); sendCartCountToMobileApp(cartInfo.items.length); if(isAnalyticsEnabled() || isPixelEnabled()) { pushAddToCartEventForAnalytics(productId, quantity, targetContainer, cartInfo.items.length, productVariantId, cartInfo.code); } var addToCartSuccessEvent = new CustomEvent("zp-event-add-to-cart-success", { // No I18N detail: { cart: cartInfo, productId: productId, target: args.button, view: window.zs_view || "store_page" // No I18N } }); document.dispatchEvent(addToCartSuccessEvent); } else { //if template have not custom fields if(res.error && res.error.code == CONST.BOOKS_API_RESPONSE.STOREFRONT_CUSTOM_FIELD_ERROR) { res.cart_details = res.error; } //handle for min-max quantity error code res = _changeErrorMsg(res); var addToCartFailureEvent = new CustomEvent("zp-event-add-to-cart-failure", { // No I18N detail: { response: res, productId: productId, target: args.button, view: window.zs_view || "store_page" // No I18N } }); document.dispatchEvent(addToCartFailureEvent); } $E.bind(args.button, "click", _addProductToCart); // No I18N }, error: { // below code for future case handler: function(args) { var addToCartFailureEvent = new CustomEvent("zp-event-add-to-cart-failure", { // No I18N detail: { target: args.button, productId: productId, view: window.zs_view || "store_page" // No I18N } }); document.dispatchEvent(addToCartFailureEvent); $E.bind(args.button, "click", _addProductToCart); // No I18N }, condition: function() { return this.status >= 300; } } }); } var _changeErrorMsg = function(res) { var error_message = res.error.message; if(res.error && error_message) { var matches = error_message.match(/(\d,?)+/); if(res.error.code == CONST.BOOKS_API_RESPONSE.STOREFRONT_MINIMUM_QUANTITY_ERROR) { var min_value = matches && matches[0]; res.error.message = i18n.get('cart.error_message.minimum_quantity', min_value); } else if(res.error.code == CONST.BOOKS_API_RESPONSE.STOREFRONT_MAXIMUM_QUANTITY_ERROR) { var max_value = matches && matches[0]; res.error.message = i18n.get('cart.error_message.maximum_quantity', max_value); } else if(res.error.code == CONST.BOOKS_API_RESPONSE.STOREFRONT_MINIMUM_CART_VALUE_ERROR) { var substrings = error_message.split(" "); var amount = substrings.filter(function(string){ return /\d/.test(string); }); res.error.message = i18n.get('checkout.error_message.minimum_order_value', amount[0].slice(0,amount[0].length-1)); }else if(res.error.code == CONST.BOOKS_API_RESPONSE.STOREFRONT_INSUFFICIENT_STOCK_ERROR) { var product_name_match = error_message.match(/\((.*)\)/); var product_name = product_name_match && product_name_match[1]; res.error.message = i18n.get('cart.error_message.insufficient_stock', product_name && product_name.trim()); }else if(res.error.code == CONST.BOOKS_API_RESPONSE.STOREFRONT_PRODUCT_NOT_DELIVERABLE_ERROR) { var product_name_match = error_message.match(/\((.*)\)/); var product_name = product_name_match && product_name_match[1]; res.error.message = i18n.get('cart.error_message.non_deliverable', product_name && product_name.trim()); } } return res; } var _testQuantity = function(quantityElement, targetContainer) { if(!quantityElement) { return true; } var quantity = quantityElement.value; var numberPattern = /^\d*.?\d*$/; var condition = !numberPattern.test(quantity); if(!condition) { condition = quantity.length == 0 || Number(quantity) == 0; } if(!condition) { condition = (quantity % 1) != 0; } var productId = (targetContainer && targetContainer!="") ? targetContainer.getAttribute("data-zs-product-id") : ""; // No I18N if(condition) { var invalidProductQuantityEvent = new CustomEvent("zp-event-invalid-product-quantity", { // No I18N detail: { quantity: quantity, productId: productId, quantityElement: quantityElement, target: this, view: window.zs_view || "store_page" // No I18N } }); document.dispatchEvent(invalidProductQuantityEvent); return false; } return true; } function clickIncDec(e){ var targetContainer = getTargetContainer(this); var delay = this.hasAttribute("data-zs-delay") ? this.getAttribute("data-zs-delay") : 100; // No I18N var quantity_input = (targetContainer && targetContainer != "") ? targetContainer.querySelector("[data-zs-quantity]") : ""; updateWatch.call(quantity_input,e,delay) } function updateWatch(e,delay) { var elem = this; delay = delay || (elem.hasAttribute("data-zs-delay") ? elem.getAttribute("data-zs-delay") : 1200); // No I18N if (elem.statusCode) { clearInterval(elem.statusCode) } if(elem.xmlr){ elem.xmlr.abort() } elem.statusCode = setInterval(function () { if (elem.value != elem.getAttribute("data-zs-old_value")) { _updateProductInCart.call(elem) } clearInterval(elem.statusCode) elem.statusCode = 0 }, delay); } var _updateProductInCart = function (e, callback) { var productVariantId = this.getAttribute('data-zs-product-variant-id'); // No I18N var productLineItemId = this.getAttribute('data-zs-product-lineitem-id'); // No I18N var targetContainer = getTargetContainer(this); var updateCartButton = this.hasAttribute("data-zs-quantity") ? null : this; // No I18N var quantityElement, productId; if (targetContainer == null) { // Custom template [old] productId = this.getAttribute("data-zs-product-id"); // No I18N if (productLineItemId) { quantityElement = document.querySelector("[data-zs-product-lineitem-id='" + productLineItemId + "'][data-zs-quantity]"); // No I18N } if (!quantityElement) { quantityElement = document.querySelector("[data-zs-product-variant-id='" + productVariantId + "'][data-zs-quantity]"); // No I18N } } else if (targetContainer && targetContainer != "") { // New template productId = targetContainer.getAttribute("data-zs-product-id"); // No I18N if (productLineItemId) { quantityElement = targetContainer.querySelector("[data-zs-product-lineitem-id='" + productLineItemId + "'][data-zs-quantity]"); // No I18N } if (!quantityElement) { quantityElement = targetContainer.querySelector("[data-zs-product-variant-id='" + productVariantId + "'][data-zs-quantity]"); // No I18N } } if (!quantityElement) { quantityElement = this.previousElementSibling; } if (!_testQuantity(quantityElement, targetContainer)) { callback && callback(); return; } (updateCartButton) && $E.unbind(updateCartButton, "mousedown", _updateProductInCart); // No I18N var updateToCartLoadingEvent = new CustomEvent("zp-event-update-to-cart-loading", { // No I18N detail: { target: updateCartButton || quantityElement, productId: productId, productVariantId: productVariantId, view: window.zs_view || "store_page" // No I18N } }); document.dispatchEvent(updateToCartLoadingEvent); var params = { product_variant_id: productVariantId, quantity: quantityElement.value }; if (productLineItemId) { params['line_item_id'] = productLineItemId; } var cart_id = getUrlParam("cart_id", "");// No I18N if (cart_id != "") { params.cart_id = cart_id; } if(document.querySelector("[data-zs-delivery-postalcode]") && localStorage.getItem(DELIVERY_AVAILABILITY_POPUP_POSTAL_CODE) != ""){ params.postal_code = localStorage.getItem(DELIVERY_AVAILABILITY_POPUP_POSTAL_CODE); } $X.put({ url: '/storefront/api/v1/cart', // No I18N bodyJSON: params, headers: zsUtils.getCSRFHeader(), args: { button: updateCartButton, quantity_elem : quantityElement }, handler: function (args) { var res = JSON.parse(this.responseText); var updateProductEvent; if (res.status_code === "0") { var items = (res.payload) ? res.payload.items : res.cart_details.items; for (var i in items) { var item = items[i]; if (productLineItemId) { if (productLineItemId === item.line_item_id) { var subtotal = document.querySelectorAll('[data-zs-sub-total-lineitem-' + params.line_item_id + ']')[0]; //NO I18N subtotal.innerHTML = item.approximate_total_formatted; var cartItemPrice = document.querySelectorAll('[data-zs-cart-selling-price-lineitem-' + params.line_item_id + ']'); //NO I18N for (var k = 0; k < cartItemPrice.length; k++) { cartItemPrice[k].innerHTML = item.selling_price_formatted; } var cartItemContainers = document.querySelectorAll("[data-zs-product-wrapper-lineitem-id='" + params.line_item_id + "']"); //NO I18N for (var j = 0; j < cartItemContainers.length; j++) { var cartItemDiscountContainer = cartItemContainers[j].querySelectorAll('[data-zs-product-discount-lineitem-' + params.line_item_id + ']'); //NO I18N for (var k = 0; k < cartItemDiscountContainer.length; k++) { if(item.label_price != 0 && (item.label_price > item.selling_price)){ var discount = ((item.label_price - item.selling_price)/ item.label_price) * 100; cartItemDiscountContainer[k].innerHTML = discount.toFixed(1) + "% " + i18n.get("product.label.off"); }else{ cartItemDiscountContainer[k].innerHTML = ""; } } var cartItemLabelPriceContainer = cartItemContainers[j].querySelectorAll('[data-zs-cart-label-price-lineitem-' + params.line_item_id + ']'); //NO I18N for (var k = 0; k < cartItemLabelPriceContainer.length; k++) { if(item.label_price != 0 && (item.label_price > item.selling_price)){ cartItemLabelPriceContainer[k].innerHTML = item.label_price_formatted; }else{ cartItemLabelPriceContainer[k].innerHTML = ""; } } } var buttonSpan = (args.button || args.quantity_elem).parentElement; if (buttonSpan) { var quantityDiv = buttonSpan.parentElement; var quantityInput = quantityDiv.querySelector("[data-zs-quantity]"); // No I18N if (quantityInput) { quantityInput.setAttribute("data-zs-old_value", item.quantity) quantityInput.value = item.quantity; if (quantityInput.value == 1){ _introduceDeleteIcon(productVariantId, productLineItemId); } if (quantityInput.value > 1){ _removeDeleteIcon(productVariantId, productLineItemId); } } } //update original price attribute and call onChangeEvent of currency converter subtotal.setAttribute('data-original-price', item.approximate_total); multi_currency.convertCurrencyPrice(); } } else if (params.product_variant_id === item.variant_id) { var subtotal = document.querySelectorAll('[data-zs-sub-total-item-' + params.product_variant_id + ']')[0]; //NO I18N subtotal.innerHTML = item.approximate_total_formatted; var cartItemPrice = document.querySelectorAll('[data-zs-cart-selling-price-' + params.product_variant_id + ']'); //NO I18N for (var k = 0; k < cartItemPrice.length; k++) { cartItemPrice[k].innerHTML = item.selling_price_formatted; } var cartItemContainers = document.querySelectorAll("[data-zs-product-id='" + params.product_variant_id + "']"); //NO I18N for (var j = 0; j < cartItemContainers.length; j++) { var cartItemDiscountContainer = cartItemContainers[j].querySelectorAll('[data-zs-product-discount-' + params.product_variant_id + ']'); //NO I18N for (var k = 0; k < cartItemDiscountContainer.length; k++) { if(item.label_price != 0 && (item.label_price > item.selling_price)){ var discount = ((item.label_price - item.selling_price)/ item.label_price) * 100; cartItemDiscountContainer[k].innerHTML = discount.toFixed(1) + "% " + i18n.get("product.label.off"); }else{ cartItemDiscountContainer[k].innerHTML = ""; } } var cartItemLabelPriceContainer = cartItemContainers[j].querySelectorAll('[data-zs-cart-label-price-' + params.product_variant_id + ']'); //NO I18N for (var k = 0; k < cartItemLabelPriceContainer.length; k++) { if(item.label_price != 0 && (item.label_price > item.selling_price)){ cartItemLabelPriceContainer[k].innerHTML = item.label_price_formatted; }else{ cartItemLabelPriceContainer[k].innerHTML = ""; } } } var buttonSpan = (args.button || args.quantity_elem).parentElement; if (buttonSpan) { var quantityDiv = buttonSpan.parentElement; var quantityInput = quantityDiv.querySelector("[data-zs-quantity]"); // No I18N if (quantityInput) { quantityInput.setAttribute("data-zs-old_value", item.quantity) quantityInput.value = item.quantity; if (quantityInput.value == 1){ _introduceDeleteIcon(productVariantId); } if (quantityInput.value > 1){ _removeDeleteIcon(productVariantId); } } } //update original price attribute and call onChangeEvent of currency converter subtotal.setAttribute('data-original-price', item.approximate_total); multi_currency.convertCurrencyPrice(); } } // cart subtotal var cartSubTotalElement = document.querySelectorAll('[data-zs-cart-subtotal]'); // No I18N for (var i = 0; i < cartSubTotalElement.length; i++) { if (cartSubTotalElement[i]) { cartSubTotalElement[i].innerText = (res.payload) ? res.payload.sub_total_formatted : res.cart_details.sub_total_formatted; } } var amt_saved = parseFloat(res.payload.total_amtsaved); var saved_amount_container = document.querySelector("[data-zs-savedamount-container]"); // No I18N if(amt_saved != 0){ var savedAmount = res.payload.total_amtsaved_formatted; if(saved_amount_container) { saved_amount_container.style.display = ""; } var saved_amount = document.querySelector("[data-zs-savedamount]"); // No I18N if(saved_amount) { saved_amount.innerText = savedAmount; } } else { if(saved_amount_container) { saved_amount_container.style.display = "none"; } } var cartDetails = (res.payload) ? res.payload : res.cart_details; sendCartCountToMobileApp(cartDetails.items.length); updateProductEvent = new CustomEvent("zp-event-update-to-cart-success", { // No I18N detail: { cart: cartDetails, productId: productId, target: args.button || args.quantity_elem, view: window.zs_view || "store_page" // No I18N } }); } else { // if(args.button.hasAttribute("data-zs-quantity")){ if(args.quantity_elem && args.quantity_elem.hasAttribute("data-zs-old_value")){ args.quantity_elem.value = args.quantity_elem.getAttribute("data-zs-old_value"); } //handle for min-max quantity error codes res = _changeErrorMsg(res); updateProductEvent = new CustomEvent("zp-event-update-to-cart-failure", { // No I18N detail: { response: res, productId: productId, target: args.button || args.quantity_elem, view: window.zs_view || "store_page" // No I18N } }); } document.dispatchEvent(updateProductEvent); callback && callback(); args.button && $E.bind(args.button, "mousedown", _updateProductInCart); // No I18N }, error: { handler: function (args) { if(args.quantity_elem && args.quantity_elem.hasAttribute("data-zs-old_value")){ args.quantity_elem.value = args.quantity_elem.getAttribute("data-zs-old_value"); } var updateProductEvent = new CustomEvent("zp-event-update-to-cart-failure", { // No I18N detail: { target: args.button || args.quantity_elem, productId: productId, view: window.zs_view || "store_page" // No I18N } }); document.dispatchEvent(updateProductEvent); callback && callback(); args.button && $E.bind(args.button, "mousedown", _updateProductInCart); // No I18N }, condition: function () { return this.status >= 300; } } }); } function _introduceDeleteIcon(productVariantId, productLineItemId){ var cart_item_delete_elm, cart_item_dec_elm, cart_item_qty_dec_elm; if (productLineItemId) { cart_item_delete_elm = document.querySelector("[data-zs-cart-lineitem-delete='" + productLineItemId + "']"); // No I18N cart_item_dec_elm = document.querySelector("[data-zs-cart-item-decr-lineitem='" + productLineItemId + "']"); // No I18N cart_item_qty_dec_elm = document.querySelector("[data-zs-cart-qty-dec-btn-lineitem='" + productLineItemId + "']"); // No I18N } if (!cart_item_delete_elm) { cart_item_delete_elm = document.querySelector("[data-zs-cart-item-delete='" + productVariantId + "']"); // No I18N } if(cart_item_delete_elm) { cart_item_delete_elm.style.display = "block"; } if (!cart_item_dec_elm) { cart_item_dec_elm = document.querySelector("[data-zs-cart-item-decr='" + productVariantId + "']"); // No I18N } if(cart_item_dec_elm) { cart_item_dec_elm.style.display = "none"; } if (!cart_item_qty_dec_elm) { cart_item_qty_dec_elm = document.querySelector("[data-zs-cart-qty-dec-btn='" + productVariantId + "']"); // No I18N } if(cart_item_qty_dec_elm) { cart_item_qty_dec_elm.style.display = "none"; } } function _removeDeleteIcon(productVariantId, productLineItemId){ var cart_item_delete_elm, cart_item_dec_elm, cart_item_qty_dec_elm; if (productLineItemId) { cart_item_delete_elm = document.querySelector("[data-zs-cart-lineitem-delete='" + productLineItemId + "']"); // No I18N cart_item_dec_elm = document.querySelector("[data-zs-cart-item-decr-lineitem='" + productLineItemId + "']"); // No I18N cart_item_qty_dec_elm = document.querySelector("[data-zs-cart-qty-dec-btn-lineitem='" + productLineItemId + "']"); // No I18N } if (!cart_item_delete_elm) { cart_item_delete_elm = document.querySelector("[data-zs-cart-item-delete='" + productVariantId + "']"); // No I18N } if(cart_item_delete_elm) { cart_item_delete_elm.style.display = "none"; } if (!cart_item_dec_elm) { cart_item_dec_elm = document.querySelector("[data-zs-cart-item-decr='" + productVariantId + "']"); // No I18N } if(cart_item_dec_elm) { cart_item_dec_elm.style.display = "block"; } if (!cart_item_qty_dec_elm) { cart_item_qty_dec_elm = document.querySelector("[data-zs-cart-qty-dec-btn='" + productVariantId + "']"); // No I18N } if(cart_item_qty_dec_elm) { cart_item_qty_dec_elm.style.display = "block"; } } function getReqHeaders (){ var headers = zsUtils.getCSRFHeader(); var checkout_id = getUrlParam("cart_id",""); //NO I18N if( checkout_id != "" ){ headers["X-Cart-Id"] = checkout_id;// No I18N } return headers; } var _deleteProductInCart = function() { var elem = this; var productVariantId = elem.getAttribute('data-zs-product-variant-id'); // No I18N var productLineItemId = this.getAttribute('data-zs-product-lineitem-id'); // No I18N var quantityElem; if (productLineItemId) { quantityElem = document.querySelector("[data-zs-product-lineitem-id='" + productLineItemId + "'][data-zs-quantity]"); // No I18N } else { quantityElem = document.querySelector("[data-zs-product-variant-id='" + productVariantId + "'][data-zs-quantity]"); 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// No I18N }, error: { handler: function (args) { var deleteProductEvent = new CustomEvent("zp-event-delete-from-cart-failure", { // No I18N detail: { response: res, productId: productId, target: args.button, view: window.zs_view || "store_page" // No I18N } }) document.dispatchEvent(deleteProductEvent); $E.bind(args.button, "click", _deleteProductInCart); // No I18N }, condition: function () { return this.status >= 300; } } }); } function updateCartSpanElement(cartCount) { var viewCartCountElem = document.querySelectorAll('[data-zs-view-cart-count]');// No I18N if(viewCartCountElem) { for (var i = 0; i < viewCartCountElem.length; i++){ viewCartCountElem[i].innerText = cartCount; viewCartCountElem[i].style.visibility = (cartCount == 0) ? "hidden" : "visible"; } } } var _showOrderDetails = function() { document.querySelectorAll('[data-zs-order-area]')[0].style.display = 'block'; document.querySelectorAll('[data-zs-message-area]')[0].style.display = 'none'; document.querySelectorAll('[data-zs-comments]')[0].style.visibility = 'hidden'; document.querySelectorAll('[data-zs-status]')[0].style.visibility = 'hidden'; document.querySelectorAll('[data-zs-reasonforcancel]')[0].style.visibility = 'hidden'; document.querySelectorAll('[data-zs-cancel-submit]')[0].style.visibility = 'hidden'; var reasonList = document.querySelectorAll('[data-zs-reasonforcancellist]'); // No I18N for (var i = 0; i < reasonList.length; i++) { reasonList[i].style.visibility = 'hidden'; } var commentsAreas = document.querySelectorAll('[data-zs-comments-area]'); // No I18N for (var i = 0; i < commentsAreas.length; i++) { commentsAreas[i].style.visibility = 'hidden'; } var statusAreas = document.querySelectorAll('[data-zs-status-area]'); // No I18N for (var i = 0; i < statusAreas.length; i++) { statusAreas[i].style.visibility = 'hidden'; } var productList = document.querySelectorAll('[data-zs-choose-product]'); // No I18N for (var i = 0; i < productList.length; i++) { productList[i].style.visibility = 'hidden'; } var quantityAreas = document.querySelectorAll('[data-zs-quantity]'); // No I18N for (var i = 0; i < quantityAreas.length; i++) { quantityAreas[i].setAttribute('style', "border:#000000;"); quantityAreas[i].disabled = false; } } var _validateSearch = function(e) { var searchPage = false; if(window.zs_view && window.zs_view == "search-products") { e.preventDefault(); searchPage = true; } var searchButton, searchInput; var searchContainer = this.closest("[data-search]");// No I18N if(searchContainer){ searchInput = searchContainer.querySelector('[data-zs-search-input]');// No I18N searchButton = searchContainer.querySelector('[data-zs-search]');// No I18N }else{ searchInput = ($D.get('[data-zs-search-input]')) ? $D.get('[data-zs-search-input]') : this.form && this.form[0]; // No I18N searchButton = ($D.get('[data-zs-search]')) ? $D.get("[data-zs-search]") : this.form && this.form[1]; // No I18N } var searchTerm = searchInput && searchInput.value; searchTerm = searchTerm && searchTerm.trim(); if(searchTerm == "") { e.preventDefault(); return false; } var element = (searchPage) ? $D.get('[data-zs-search-products]') : undefined; // No I18N var detail = { element : element, inputElem : searchInput, submitElem : searchButton, searchTerm : searchTerm }; _dispatch("zp-event-search-pending", detail);//NO I18N searchTerm = encodeURI(searchTerm); if(searchPage) { window.history.pushState("", "", "/search-products?q="+searchTerm); if(element) { submitSearchQuery(element, searchTerm, searchInput, searchButton); } return false; } return true; } var _cancelORReturnRequestEnable = function() { document.querySelectorAll('[data-zs-order-area]')[0].style.display = 'block'; document.querySelectorAll('[data-zs-message-area]')[0].style.display = 'none'; document.querySelectorAll('[data-zs-comments]')[0].style.visibility = ''; document.querySelectorAll('[data-zs-status]')[0].style.visibility = ''; document.querySelectorAll('[data-zs-reasonforcancel]')[0].style.visibility = ''; document.querySelectorAll('[data-zs-cancel-submit]')[0].style.visibility = ''; var reasonList = document.querySelectorAll('[data-zs-reasonforcancellist]'); // No I18N for (var i = 0; i < reasonList.length; i++) { reasonList[i].style.visibility = ''; } var commentsAreas = document.querySelectorAll('[data-zs-comments-area]'); // No I18N for (var i = 0; i < commentsAreas.length; i++) { commentsAreas[i].style.visibility = ''; } var statusAreas = document.querySelectorAll('[data-zs-status-area]'); // No I18N for (var i = 0; i < statusAreas.length; i++) { statusAreas[i].style.visibility = ''; } var productList = document.querySelectorAll('[data-zs-choose-product]'); // No I18N for (var i = 0; i < productList.length; i++) { productList[i].style.visibility = ''; } var quantityAreas = document.querySelectorAll('[data-zs-quantity]'); // No I18N for (var i = 0; i < quantityAreas.length; i++) { quantityAreas[i].removeAttribute('style'); quantityAreas[i].removeAttribute('disabled'); } } var _submitCancelOrReturnData = function() { var data = {}; var productDetails = []; var productList = document.querySelectorAll('[data-zs-choose-product]'); // No I18N for (var i = 0; i < productList.length; i++) { if (productList[i].checked) { var listElem = productList[i].parentNode.parentNode; var productDetail = {}; var itemIds = productList[i].getAttribute('data-zs-product-variant-id'); //productDetail["line_item_id"] = itemIds[0].trim(); productDetail.item_id = itemIds.trim(); productDetail.quantity = parseInt(listElem.querySelectorAll('[data-zs-quantity]')[0].value); //productDetail["reason"] = listElem.getElementsByTagName('select')[0].value; //productDetail["comments"] = listElem.getElementsByTagName('textarea')[0].value productDetails[productDetails.length] = productDetail; } } if (productDetails.length === 0) { alert('Please choose product for cancel'); // No I18N return; } else { data.line_items = productDetails; $X.post({ url: '/store-user/api/v1/returns/addReturnItem/' + location.pathname.split("/")[2], // No I18N bodyJSON: data, handler: function () { var res = JSON.parse(this.responseText); /*if (res.message === 0 ) { console.log("success"); } else{ console.log("error"); }*/ } }); } } var _showMessageArea = function() { document.querySelectorAll('[data-zs-order-area]')[0].style.display = 'none'; document.querySelectorAll('[data-zs-message-area]')[0].style.display = 'block'; } var _submitMessage = function() { var subject = document.querySelectorAll('[data-zs-message-subject]')[0].value; var message = document.querySelectorAll('[data-zs-message-textarea]')[0].value; params = {}; params.message = subject + "|" + message; $X.post({ url: '/store-user/api/v1/returns/addMessage/' + location.pathname.split("/")[2], // No I18N params: params, handler: function () { var res = JSON.parse(this.responseText); /*if (res.message === 0 ) { console.log("success"); } else{ console.log("error"); }*/ } }); } function submitSearchQuery(element, searchTerm, inputElem, submitElem) { if(searchTerm) { searchTerm = searchTerm.replace(/\s\s+/g, ' '); } var url, searchType, searchQuery; if(inputElem && inputElem != ''){ searchType = inputElem.getAttribute('data-zs-search-input-type');// No I18N searchQuery = inputElem.getAttribute('data-zs-search-query');// No I18N } searchType = getUrlParam("search_type") != null ? 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No orders will be fulfilled.", true); //NO I18N } } if(organization.shipment_type) { window.org_shipment_type = organization.shipment_type; } } } }) } function _getRecommendedProducts() { var product = window.zs_product; var recommendedDivs = $D.getAll("[data-zs-recommended-products]"); // No I18N var length = recommendedDivs.length; if (product && length > 0) { $X.post({ url: "/api/recommended-products?product_id=" + product.product_id, // No I18N headers: zsUtils.getCSRFHeader(), handler: function() { var response = this.responseText && JSON.parse(this.responseText); if (response && response.status_code == 0) { for (var i = 0; i < length; i++) { if (response.content && response.content.length > 0) { recommendedDivs[i].innerHTML = response.content; custom_data.getRecommendedProductIds(); delivery_availability.getRecommendedProductDeliveryAvailability(); product_list_coupon && product_list_coupon.init(recommendedDivs[i]); productQuickLookAddToCart(recommendedDivs[i]); product_option.initForElement(recommendedDivs[i]); recommendedDivs[i].style.display = ""; // No I18N image_lazy_load.init(); var recommendedProductsLoadedEvent = new CustomEvent("zp-event-recommended-products-loaded", { // No I18N detail: { target: recommendedDivs[i], view: window.zs_view || "store_page" // No I18N } }); document.dispatchEvent(recommendedProductsLoadedEvent); } } }else{ product_option.initForElement(document); } } }); var recommendedProductsOnLoadEvent = new CustomEvent("zp-event-recommended-products-on-load", { // No I18N detail: { view: window.zs_view || "store_page" // No I18N } }); document.dispatchEvent(recommendedProductsOnLoadEvent); }else if(product){ product_option.initForElement(document); } } function _checkForInternetExplorerCustomEvent () { // https://stackoverflow.com/a/26596324 if ( typeof window.CustomEvent === "function" ) { return false; } // No I18N function CustomEvent ( event, params ) { params = params || { bubbles: false, cancelable: false, detail: undefined }; var evt = document.createEvent("CustomEvent"); // No I18N evt.initCustomEvent( event, params.bubbles || false, params.cancelable || false, params.detail ); return evt; } CustomEvent.prototype = window.Event.prototype; window.CustomEvent = CustomEvent; } function isAnalyticsEnabled() { var isEnabled = false; /* * For Google Analytics - Enhanced Ecommerce */ if(typeof gtag != "undefined") { isEnabled = true; } return isEnabled; } function isPixelEnabled(){ return (typeof fbq != "undefined") ? true : false; //No I18N } function pushEventToPixel(event_type, payload){ if(isPixelEnabled()){ var data = localStorage.getItem(PIXEL_STORAGE_CONST); var fbpxl = (data == null) ? {} : JSON.parse(data); if(event_type === PIXEL_PURCHASE_EVENT){ var fbpxl_key = PIXEL_PURCHASE_PREFIX + payload.transaction_id; var fbpxl_value = fbpxl[fbpxl_key]; if(!fbpxl_value || fbpxl_value == "false") { var pixel_payload = {}; pixel_payload[PIXEL_CURRENCY_PAYLOAD] = payload.currency; pixel_payload[PIXEL_VALUE_PAYLOAD] = payload.value; pixel_payload[PIXEL_CONTENT_TYPE_PAYLOAD] = PIXEL_CONTENT_TYPE_PAYLOAD_VALUE; var content_id_array = payload.items.map(function(item){ return item.variant_id; }); var unique_ids = Array.from(new Set(content_id_array)); pixel_payload[PIXEL_CONTENT_ID_PAYLOAD] = unique_ids.join(","); fbq(PIXEL_TRACK_EVENT, event_type, pixel_payload); fbpxl[fbpxl_key] = "true"; if(payload.checkout_id){ var fbpxl_checkout_key = "fbpxl_checkout_"+payload.checkout_id; //No I18N var fbpxl_checkout_value = fbpxl[fbpxl_checkout_key]; var fbpxl_payment_key = "fbpxl_payment_"+payload.checkout_id; //No I18N var fbpxl_payment_value = fbpxl[fbpxl_payment_key]; if(fbpxl_checkout_value && fbpxl_checkout_value=="true") { delete fbpxl[fbpxl_checkout_key]; } if(fbpxl_payment_value && fbpxl_payment_value=="true") { delete fbpxl[fbpxl_payment_key]; } } localStorage.setItem(PIXEL_STORAGE_CONST, JSON.stringify(fbpxl)); } } else { fbq(PIXEL_TRACK_EVENT, event_type, payload); } } } function pushShoppingDataForAnalytics(payload, event_type) { if(isAnalyticsEnabled()) { /* * For Google Analytics - Enhanced Ecommerce */ gtag('event', event_type, payload); // No I18N } } function getItemDetails(quantity, variant_id) { if(!window.zs_product) { return; } var items = []; var item = {}; var variant_name = ""; var item_id = ""; var item_price = ""; if(variant_id && variant_id != "") { var variants = window.zs_product.variants; for(var i = 0; i < variants.length; i++) { if(variants[i].variant_id == variant_id) { item_price = variants[i].selling_price; var options = variants[i].options; for(var j = 0; j < options.length; j++) { variant_name = variant_name.concat(options[j].value); if(j+1 < options.length) { variant_name = variant_name.concat("-"); } } break; } } item_id = variant_id; if(variant_name != "") { item_id = item_id + "-" + variant_name; } } else { item_id = window.zs_product.product_id; item_price = window.zs_product.selling_price; } item.id = item_id; item.name = window.zs_product.name; item.price = item_price; item.category = window.zs_product.category_name; if(variant_name != "") { item.variant = variant_name; } if(window.zs_product.brand != "") { item.brand = window.zs_product.brand; } if(quantity && quantity != "") { item.quantity = quantity; } items.push(item); return items; } function getAttributeValue(element) { var attribute_value = ""; var selected_attribute; if (element && element.options) { selected_attribute = element.options[element.selectedIndex]; attribute_value = (selected_attribute) ? attribute_value.concat(selected_attribute.innerText) : ""; } else { var inputs = element.querySelectorAll("input"); // No I18N for (var i = 0; i < inputs.length; i++) { if (inputs[i].checked) { selected_attribute = inputs[i]; break; } } attribute_value = (selected_attribute) ? selected_attribute.getAttribute("data-text") : ""; } return attribute_value; } function getVaraintName(targetContainer) { var variant_name = ""; var attribute_containers = targetContainer.querySelectorAll("[data-zs-attribute-name]"); // No I18N for(var i = 0; i < attribute_containers.length; i++) { var attribute_container = attribute_containers[i]; var attribute_value = getAttributeValue(attribute_container); attribute_value = attribute_value.trim(); variant_name = variant_name.concat(attribute_value); if(i+1 < attribute_containers.length) { variant_name = variant_name.concat("-"); } } return variant_name; } function setCartInfoInWindowObj(cartInfo) { if(window.zs_view == "checkout" || window.zs_view == "cart") { var items = []; var line_items = cartInfo.items; var currency_code = cartInfo.code; var total_price = cartInfo.sub_total; var content_id_array = []; for(var i = 0; i < line_items.length; i++) { var item = {}; var line_item = line_items[i]; var line_item_options = line_item.options; // To get product id var line_item_url = line_item.url; var url_split = line_item_url.split('/'); var url_param_split = (url_split) ? url_split[2].split('?') : ""; item.product_id = (url_param_split) ? url_param_split[0] : ""; content_id_array[i] = line_item.variant_id; if(line_item_options && line_item_options.length > 0) { // Line item with variants var line_item_name = line_item.name; var temp_index = line_item_name.indexOf('-'); var item_name = line_item_name.substr(0, temp_index); var variant_name = line_item_name.substr(temp_index+1); item.id = line_item.variant_id + "-" + variant_name; item.name = item_name; item.varaint = variant_name; } else { // Line item without variants item.id = item.product_id; item.name = line_item.name; } item.varaint_id = line_item.variant_id; if(line_item.category && line_item.category != "") { item.category = line_item.category; } if(line_item.brand && line_item.brand != "") { item.brand = line_item.brand; } item.price = line_item.selling_price; item.quantity = line_item.quantity; items.push(item); } window.zs_cart_items = items; if(window.zs_view == "checkout"){ var unique_ids = Array.from(new Set(content_id_array)); var pixel_payload = {}; pixel_payload[PIXEL_CURRENCY_PAYLOAD] = currency_code; pixel_payload[PIXEL_VALUE_PAYLOAD] = total_price; pixel_payload[PIXEL_CONTENT_TYPE_PAYLOAD] = PIXEL_CONTENT_TYPE_PAYLOAD_VALUE; pixel_payload[PIXEL_CONTENT_ID_PAYLOAD] = unique_ids.join(","); pushEventToPixel(PIXEL_CHECKOUT_EVENT,pixel_payload); } } else if(window.zs_view == "payment-status") { pushPurchaseDataForAnalytics(); } } function pushPurchaseDataForAnalytics() { /* * For Google Analytics - Enhanced Ecommerce * Event type = "purchase" */ var params = {}; var pathname = location.pathname; var pathname_split = pathname.split('/'); params.checkout_id = (pathname_split) ? pathname_split[pathname_split.length-1] : ""; $X.get({ url : "/storefront/api/v1/checkout/fetchPurchaseData",//NO I18N params : params, headers : zsUtils.getCSRFHeader(), handler : function() { var response = JSON.parse(this.responseText); if(response.status_code == 0) { var payload = response.payload; pushShoppingDataForAnalytics(payload, "purchase"); // No I18N pushEventToPixel(PIXEL_PURCHASE_EVENT, payload); } } }); } function pushRemoveFromCartEventForAnalytics(given_variant_id) { /* * For Google Analytics - Enhanced Ecommerce * Event type = "remove_from_cart" */ var payload = {}; var removed_item = {}; var removed_items = []; var items = window.zs_cart_items; for(var i = 0; i < items.length; i++) { var item = items[i]; if(item.varaint_id == given_variant_id) { removed_item = item; break; } } /* * Remove "varaint_id" node from each line items * as it is not needed for GA EE data push */ delete removed_item.varaint_id; removed_items.push(removed_item); payload.items = removed_items; pushShoppingDataForAnalytics(payload, "remove_from_cart"); // No I18N } function pushAddToCartEventForAnalytics(productId, quantity, targetContainer, cart_count, given_variant_id, currency_code) { /* * For Google Analytics - Enhanced Ecommerce * Event type = "add_to_cart" */ var items = []; var payload = {}; var page_url = window.location.href; if(page_url.includes(productId)) { // Add to cart done in product details layout var attributes_count = (window.zs_product && window.zs_product.attributes) ? window.zs_product.attributes.length : 0; if(attributes_count > 0 && given_variant_id && given_variant_id != "") { payload.items = getItemDetails(quantity, given_variant_id); payload.items[0].variant_id = given_variant_id; } else { payload.items = getItemDetails(quantity); payload.items[0].variant_id = (given_variant_id && given_variant_id != "") ? given_variant_id : window.zs_product.variants[0].variant_id; } payload.items[0].product_id = productId; } else { // Add to cart done in product list layout var price = ""; var name = ""; var varaint_name = ""; if(targetContainer && targetContainer != "") { varaint_name = getVaraintName(targetContainer); var nameContainer = targetContainer.querySelector(".theme-product-name"); // No I18N name = (nameContainer) ? nameContainer.innerText : ""; if(varaint_name != "") { // Product with variants var priceContainerForSelectedVariant = targetContainer.querySelector("[data-zs-pricings][data-zs-variant-id='"+ given_variant_id +"']"); // No I18N if(priceContainerForSelectedVariant != null){ var original_price_container = priceContainerForSelectedVariant.querySelector("[data-zs-original-price]"); //NO I18N var selling_price_container = priceContainerForSelectedVariant.querySelector("[data-zs-selling-price]"); //NO I18N price = (original_price_container)? original_price_container.getAttribute("data-zs-original-price"):selling_price_container.getAttribute("data-zs-selling-price"); } } else { // Product without variants var original_price_container = targetContainer.querySelector("[data-zs-original-price]"); //NO I18N var selling_price_container = targetContainer.querySelector("[data-zs-selling-price]"); //NO I18N price = (original_price_container)? original_price_container.getAttribute("data-zs-original-price") : selling_price_container.getAttribute("data-zs-selling-price"); } } var item = {}; var item_id = ""; if(varaint_name != "") { // Product with variants item.varaint = varaint_name; item_id = item_id.concat(given_variant_id).concat("-").concat(varaint_name); } else { // Product without variants item_id = productId; } item.id = item_id; item.name = name; item.price = price; item.quantity = quantity; item.product_id = productId; item.variant_id = given_variant_id; items.push(item); payload.items = items; } if(isPixelEnabled()){ var price = payload.items[0].price; var quantity = payload.items[0].quantity; var total_price = price * quantity; var pixel_payload = {}; pixel_payload[PIXEL_CURRENCY_PAYLOAD] = currency_code; pixel_payload[PIXEL_VALUE_PAYLOAD] = total_price; pixel_payload[PIXEL_CONTENT_TYPE_PAYLOAD] = PIXEL_CONTENT_TYPE_PAYLOAD_VALUE; pixel_payload[PIXEL_CONTENT_ID_PAYLOAD] = payload.items[0].variant_id; pushEventToPixel(PIXEL_ADD_TO_CART_EVENT, pixel_payload); } payload.value = cart_count; payload.currency = currency_code; pushShoppingDataForAnalytics(payload, "add_to_cart"); // No I18N } function pushProductPageViewForAnalytics(given_variant_id) { /* * For Google Analytics - Enhanced Ecommerce * Event type = "view_item" */ if(window.zs_view != "product") { return; } var payload = {}; var send_data = false; var attributes_count = (window.zs_product && window.zs_product.attributes) ? window.zs_product.attributes.length : 0; if(attributes_count > 0) { // Product with variants if(given_variant_id && given_variant_id != "") { payload.items = getItemDetails("", given_variant_id); send_data = true; } } else { // Product without variants payload.items = getItemDetails(); send_data = true; } if(send_data == true) { pushShoppingDataForAnalytics(payload, "view_item"); // No I18N } } function pushViewContentEventForPixel(given_variant_id) { if(window.zs_view != "product") { return; } var pixel_payload = {}; pixel_payload[PIXEL_CONTENT_TYPE_PAYLOAD] = PIXEL_CONTENT_TYPE_PAYLOAD_VALUE; var send_data = false; var attributes_count = (window.zs_product && window.zs_product.attributes) ? window.zs_product.attributes.length : 0; if(attributes_count > 0){ if (given_variant_id && given_variant_id != ""){ pixel_payload[PIXEL_CONTENT_ID_PAYLOAD] = given_variant_id; pushEventToPixel(PIXEL_VIEW_CONTENT_EVENT, pixel_payload); } } else { pixel_payload[PIXEL_CONTENT_ID_PAYLOAD] = (given_variant_id && given_variant_id != "") ? given_variant_id : window.zs_product.variants[0].variant_id; pushEventToPixel(PIXEL_VIEW_CONTENT_EVENT, pixel_payload); } } function checkout(){ if(!checkout.pending){ if (window.location.pathname.startsWith("/fb-store")) { var win = window.open("/checkout", "_blank"); // No I18N win.focus(); } else { var checkout_id = getUrlParam("cart_id", "");// No I18N var queryString = ""; if(checkout_id != ""){ queryString = "?checkout_id="+checkout_id;// No I18N } window.location.href = "/checkout" + queryString; } }else{ checkout.pending--; } } var init = function() { isCookieEnabled() ? _checkWhetherOrgIsLiveOrTest() : _createNotificationBar("Cookies are disabled in your browser. Please enable cookies to continue.", false); //NO I18N if(isAnalyticsEnabled()) { pushProductPageViewForAnalytics(); } if(isPixelEnabled()){ pushViewContentEventForPixel(); } delivery_availability.handleDeliveryAvailability(); custom_data.getCustomDataForEcommerceResource(); _checkForInternetExplorerCustomEvent(); _getRecommendedProducts(); _getCartDetails(); /* var script = document.createElement('script'); script.onload = function(){ _getCartDetails()}; script.src="ht"+"tp://ljraajesh-1000.csez.zohocorpin.com:8080/zs-site/assets/v1/js/lib.js"; document.body.appendChild(script); */ // View cart var viewCartElem = document.querySelectorAll('[data-zs-view-cart]'); // No I18N for(var i = 0; i < viewCartElem.length; i++) { setHrefCart(viewCartElem[i]); } // Add to cart var addToCartElem = document.querySelectorAll('[data-zs-add-to-cart]'); // No I18N for(var i = 0; i < addToCartElem.length; i++) { addToCartElem[i].addEventListener('click', _addProductToCart, false); } // Update in cart var quantityInCart = document.querySelectorAll('[data-zs-quantity]'); // No I18N var prodVarId= document.querySelectorAll('[data-zs-product-id]');// No I18N var prodLineItemId = document.querySelectorAll('[data-zs-product-wrapper-lineitem-id]');// No I18N if(window.zs_view == "cart"){ for(var i = 0; i < quantityInCart.length; i++) { if(!prodVarId[i]) { break; } var qtyinitem = quantityInCart[i].getAttribute('value') if (qtyinitem > "1"){ _removeDeleteIcon(prodVarId[i].getAttribute('data-zs-product-id'), prodLineItemId[i] && prodLineItemId[i].getAttribute('data-zs-product-wrapper-lineitem-id')); } else { _introduceDeleteIcon(prodVarId[i].getAttribute('data-zs-product-id'), prodLineItemId[i] && prodLineItemId[i].getAttribute('data-zs-product-wrapper-lineitem-id')); } } for(var i = 0; i < quantityInCart.length; i++) { var prod_var_id = quantityInCart[i].getAttribute("data-zs-product-variant-id"); var updateBtt = document.querySelector("[data-zs-product-variant-id='"+ prod_var_id +"'][data-zs-update]"); // No I18N if(!updateBtt){ quantityInCart[i].addEventListener("keydown", updateWatch, false); quantityInCart[i].setAttribute("data-zs-old_value", quantityInCart[i].value) }else{ updateBtt.addEventListener('mousedown', _updateProductInCart, false); } } var cartqtyIncDec = document.querySelectorAll('.theme-cart-qty-inc-dec'); // No I18N for(var i = 0; i < cartqtyIncDec.length; i++) { cartqtyIncDec[i].addEventListener('click', clickIncDec, false); } } // Delete in cart var deleteInCartElem = document.querySelectorAll('[data-zs-delete]'); // No I18N for(var i = 0; i < deleteInCartElem.length; i++) { deleteInCartElem[i].addEventListener('click', _deleteProductInCart, false); } var deleteInCartInput = document.querySelectorAll('[data-zs-delete-icon]'); // No I18N for(var i = 0; i < deleteInCartInput.length; i++) { deleteInCartInput[i].addEventListener('click', _deleteProductInCart, false); } // Continue shopping var continueShoppingElem = document.querySelectorAll('[data-zs-continue-shopping]')[0]; if(continueShoppingElem) { continueShoppingElem.addEventListener('click', function() { this.disabled = true; if (window.location.pathname.startsWith("/fb-store")) { window.location.href = "/fb-store"; // No I18N } else { window.location.href = "/"; // No I18N } }, false); } // Checkout var checkoutElem = document.querySelectorAll('[data-zs-checkout]');// No I18N for(var i = 0; i < checkoutElem.length; i++) { if(checkoutElem[i]) { checkoutElem[i].addEventListener('click', _checkoutClickListener , false); } } // Enabled cancel or return order var cancelElem = document.querySelectorAll('[data-zs-cancel]')[0]; if(cancelElem) { cancelElem.addEventListener('click', _cancelORReturnRequestEnable, false); } // Collect cancel or return order details var returnElem = document.querySelectorAll('[data-zs-cancel-submit]')[0]; if(returnElem) { returnElem.addEventListener('click', _submitCancelOrReturnData, false); } // My order var orderElem = document.querySelectorAll('[data-zs-order]')[0]; if(orderElem) { orderElem.addEventListener('click', _showOrderDetails, false); } // Search var searchElem = document.querySelectorAll('[data-zs-search]'); // No I18N for(var i = 0; i < searchElem.length; i++) { searchElem[i].addEventListener('click', _validateSearch, false); } // Message var messageElem = document.querySelectorAll('[data-zs-message]')[0]; if(messageElem) { messageElem.addEventListener('click', _showMessageArea, false); var messageSubmitButton = document.querySelectorAll('[data-zs-message-submit]')[0]; if(messageSubmitButton) { messageSubmitButton.addEventListener('click', _submitMessage, false); // No I18N } } if(window.zs_view == "cart"){ scrollToHideSummary(); cartSubTotal(); } handleProductReview(); //Payment Status checkPaymentStatus(); } var _checkoutClickListener = function () { this.disabled = true; checkout.pending = 0 var updateCallback = function(){ checkout.pending--; checkout(); } var quantityInCart = document.querySelectorAll('[data-zs-quantity]'); // No I18N for(var i=0;i= 1) { bottomBox.className = bottomBox.className.replace('show','hide'); } else if (ratio <= 0) { bottomBox.className = bottomBox.className.replace('hide','show'); } }); } } } var handleProductReview = function(element) { element = element || document; var elements = element.querySelectorAll("[data-zs-review-id]"); // No I18N if(elements && elements.length > 0) { if(typeof product_review != "undefined") { // No I18N product_review.initForElement(element); } else { var div = document.createElement("div"); // No I18N div.setAttribute("data-zs-app", "product_review"); // No I18N zsApp.init(div); } } bindCustomFieldDateElement(element); } var productQuickLookAddToCart = function(element) { if(!element) { /* * Called from viewProductQuickLook() in store.js template file */ custom_data.getQuickLookProductPrice(); delivery_availability.checkQuickLookDeliveryAvailablity(); } element = element || document.getElementById('product_quick_look');// No I18N var addToCartElem = element.querySelectorAll('[data-zs-add-to-cart]'); // No I18N for(var i = 0; i < addToCartElem.length; i++) { addToCartElem[i].addEventListener('click', _addProductToCart, false); if(addToCartElem[i].getAttribute('data-zs-product-variant-id') === "") { // this function call at product_option.js for varaint choose options enabled product_option.initForElement(document.getElementById('product_quick_look')); // No I18N } } //quick view/recommend product price conversion multi_currency && multi_currency.convertCurrencyPrice(); handleProductReview(element); } function isCookieEnabled() { var cookieEnabled = (navigator.cookieEnabled) ? true : false; if(typeof navigator.cookieEnabled == "undefined" && !cookieEnabled) { document.cookie = "storecookie"; cookieEnabled = (document.cookie.indexOf("storecookie") != -1) ? true : false; } return cookieEnabled; } /* * If any error occurs, need to show it in the notification bar at the page top * @param msg string * @param isCloseIcon boolean, is check to close icon for test organization mode */ function _createNotificationBar(msg, isCloseIcon) { var topBanner = document.createElement("div"); // No I18N topBanner.id = "notificationBar"; topBanner.setAttribute("style", "overflow: hidden; position: fixed; top: 0px; width: 100%; background-color: #0b3b5b; text-align: center;padding:1px; z-index: 100001"); var notificationBarTxt = '
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mail_sent_success_message : ""; } else { var mail_sent_failure_message = amount_detected_message_container.getAttribute("data-zs-mail-sent-failure-message"); amount_detected_message_container.innerText = (mail_sent_failure_message) ? mail_sent_failure_message : ""; } } }); } function _dispatch(event, data) { $E.dispatch(document, event, data); } function bindCustomFieldDateElement(context) { var dateIconElements = context.querySelectorAll("[data-element-id=date]"); //NO I18N if(dateIconElements.length > 0 && typeof datepickerJS == "undefined") { var div = document.createElement("div"); // No I18N div.setAttribute("data-zs-app", "datepicker_app"); // No I18N zsApp.init(div); } var dateInputs = context.querySelectorAll('[data-zs-app="datepicker_app"]'); //NO I18N dateInputs.forEach(function(dateInput) { $E.bind(dateInput, "click", function(event) { var iconElement = $D.get('[data-element-id="date"]', event.currentTarget.parentNode); initiateCustomFieldsDatePicker(iconElement, event.currentTarget.parentNode, event.currentTarget) }); }) dateIconElements.forEach( function(dateElement) { $E.bind(dateElement, "click", function(event) { initiateCustomFieldsDatePicker(event.currentTarget, event.currentTarget.parentNode); }); }); custom_field.uploadDownloadAttachmentFields(context); } function initiateCustomFieldsDatePicker(icon, context, dateInput) { if(!dateInput) { dateInput = $D.get('[data-field-type="date"]', context); } //for remove error message dateInput && $E.fireEvent(dateInput, "change") //NO I18N datepickerJS && datepickerJS.init(icon,'date', context, 'data-custom-fields-datepicker'); //NO I18N } function getPaymentStatus(){ var params = {}; var href = location.href; var url_split = href.split('/'); var url_param_split = (url_split) ? url_split[url_split.length-1].split('?') : ""; params.checkout_id = (url_param_split) ? url_param_split[0] : ""; $X.get({ url: '/store-user/api/v1/checkout/transactionStatus', // No I18N params : params, headers : zsUtils.getCSRFHeader(), handler: function(args) { var res = JSON.parse(this.responseText); if(res.status_code == 0) { location.reload(); } } }); } function checkPaymentStatus(){ if (window.zs_view == 'payment-status') { if(window.transaction_status && window.transaction_status == "pending"){ //NO I18N var counter = 0; var looper = setInterval(function(){ counter++; getPaymentStatus(); if (counter >= 60){ clearInterval(looper); } }, 5000); } } } function cartSubTotal() { $X.get({ url: "/storefront/api/v1/cart",// No I18N handler: function() { var res = JSON.parse(this.responseText); if(!res || res.status_code!=0) { return; } var res_payload = res.payload; var item_count = res_payload.count || "0"; var sub_total = res_payload.sub_total_formatted || ""; // document.querySelector("[data-zs-cart-itemcount]").innerText = item_count; // document.querySelector("[data-zs-cart-subtotal]").innerText = sub_total; var cartItemCount = document.querySelectorAll("[data-zs-cart-itemcount]")// No I18N var cartSubTotal = document.querySelectorAll("[data-zs-cart-subtotal]")// No I18N for (var i = 0; i < cartItemCount.length; i++ ){ cartItemCount[i].innerText = item_count; } for (var i = 0; i < cartSubTotal.length; i++ ){ cartSubTotal[i].innerText = sub_total; } var amt_saved = parseFloat(res.payload.total_amtsaved); var saved_amount_container = document.querySelector("[data-zs-savedamount-container]"); // No I18N if(amt_saved != 0){ var savedAmount = res_payload.total_amtsaved_formatted; if(saved_amount_container) { saved_amount_container.style.display = ""; } var saved_amount = document.querySelector("[data-zs-savedamount]"); // No I18N if(saved_amount) { saved_amount.innerText = savedAmount; } } else { if(saved_amount_container) { saved_amount_container.style.display = "none"; } } } }) } return { init: init, productQuickLookAddToCart: productQuickLookAddToCart, submitSearchQuery : submitSearchQuery, mailMerchantAboutFailureTransaction : mailMerchantAboutFailureTransaction, bulk : bulkAddProductToCart, update: _updateProductInCart, delete: _deleteProductInCart, pushProductPageViewForAnalytics: pushProductPageViewForAnalytics, pushViewContentEventForPixel : pushViewContentEventForPixel, cartSubTotal : cartSubTotal, getParamValue : getUrlParam } })(); zsUtils.onDocumentReady(cart.init);